Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We're Expecting!

Good news for all - breedings for two sets (BjornxLotus and BonsaixLuna) were completed on Saturday, October 18th. If everything goes well, we should have babies born on or around the 8th of November.

I really cannot wait for these litters to arrive. :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The NEW Home of Serendipity Rodentry News!

I decided that I just needed an easier way to do the Rodentry news - and this is it! I have condensed the previous news listings into the very first post, and will be updating everything here from now on. ;)

So, current news - all of the little ones from Paper Heart Rattery have passed quarantine and are settled in with their groups. Everyone is doing very well, and I am so very pleased with all of my current rats - I really could not be happier. :)

There are two breedings coming up very soon - DNSR Bjorn SERR x Cama Lotus SERR and Cama Bonsai x Cama Luna SERR. These two pairs will be placed together within the next two weeks, and a new SERR Wait List Update email will be sent out very soon.

Other than that, it's business as usual around here. Please check back in for more updates soon! :)

Older News - Condensed ;)

August 25, 2008
My new little ones from Paper Heart Rattery have arrived! All four babies are now in quarantine, and doing very well. A big Thank You to Meghan for these gorgeous little ones. :)Also, I am happy to announce our first litter is now on its way! DNSR Velvet is due to deliver her litter on or around September 9th. Please check out their Litter Page for any updates. The Dwarf Rat page is now up and accessible. Just note that it is still under construction, so more info will be added soon.

August 3, 2008
I am pleased to announce more incoming additions to my rat family! In a few weeks, we will be welcoming four little ones from Paper Heart Rattery! More information will be coming soon on these new additions. In other news, the Virtual Tour page has been updated to give you a full view of The Rodentry. I've also put together an online Adoption Application that can be submitted right from the website. ;)
I'll also be working on a new page all about Dwarf Rats. Right now, it is still in progress, but hopefully I'll have it up and running very soon.

July 23 2008
The DNSR rats have now made it out of quarantine and are settled in at home. Both Bjorn and Velvet integrated into their respective cages with no issues what so ever, and everyone seems to accept and enjoy their new cagemates.

June 30, 2008
My NARR numbers have arrived, and all of my rats' pages have been updated with their individual NARR numbers. All of the Cama rats have now made it through their 3 week quarantine and are settled in at home. :)
I've got new additions! Two wonderful rats (DNSR Bjorn and DNSR Velvet from Dunasky Rattery in DE) are currently in quarantine. These two are actually related to my previous lines, and I am hoping they will make wonderful additions to the SERR family. =)
Last, but not least, I've added two new pages - a Feeding Time page all about the food my rats receive, and a Virtual Tour that shows examples of my cages. Please take a few minutes to check those out!

June 22, 2008
All of the new rats now have some decent pictures, info and their pedigrees posted on each of their pages. Please do take a few minutes to check them all out! :)
Also, I have already got all of their NARR paperwork completed, and will be sending that off this week. So hopefully everyone will be registered within the next few weeks. I will be posting more possible breedings as well, so please do check out the Planned Breedings page. I will be setting up the waiting list for litters soon, and should open reserves in August. =)

June 9, 2008
** They Are Finally Here! **
I am extremely excited to announce the arrival of my new rats! Nine rats total made the long journey from Cama Rattery in Colorado yesterday. They are all currently in quarantine, and doing very well! I do not currently have pictures of these guys, but I will be trying a short photoshoot a bit later today. I want to send out a huge Thank You! to Amy of Cama Rattery for being so incredibly wonderful and helping me out with these gorgeous babies. :)

June 8, 2008
The entire rescue litter has now gone home with their new families! Also, just wanted to state that there will be some big updates and new pages added to the website over the next week - so please check back in soon!

May 30, 2008
I am happy to announce that the entire rescue litter has been reserved, and everyone will be going to their new homes this weekend! :)They are just in time, too...since my new pedigreed babies will be arriving soon! I don't want to give too much information about them just yet, as I'm afraid I may jinx myself (yes, I'm a bit superstitious)...but I'm terribly excited and wanted to keep everyone semi-updated. ;)

April 12, 2008
Currently we have a rescue litter of 10 that is being raised here. These little guys are doing great, and should be available for new homes by early June. If you are interested in more information or pictures, please visit the Available Rats page or email me. There is NO adoption fee for these babies, but an approved Adoption Application is needed to reserve a rat or two from this litter.

April 1, 2008
The only news to report so far is that I will be restarting my Rodentry, but it will take awhile. I am currently working with other breeders to obtain some fantastic rats to restart my breeding program. I am hoping to include basically the same colors as I previously had available, and some new varieties - American Blue, Blue Agouti, Black, Burmese, Siamese and Black Eyed Siamese in Standard, Rex and possibly Velveteen coats, Standard and Dumbo ears. I'll also be working with Dwarves and Downunders. ;)For now, I'm rebuilding the website one page at a time. Some things are unavailable, but don't worry - they'll be up and running soon. I'll be updating every few weeks, so please check back! :)