Reserves for the current litters are still ongoing. We have managed to reserve all of the females, but we still have quite a few males available. I am still going through the Wait List, but it looks like we will still have boys available as most of the list is requesting females.
The current litters can be viewed here:
If you are not currently on my Wait List and are interested in the currently available male babies, please contact me via email:
There are a few changes that are slowly happening, so I wanted to update everyone. My main focus for at least the next year is on Dwarf rats. I am currently working to establish the Dwarf line, so many of my upcoming breedings are for Dwarf or Dwarf carrier rats. By this time next year, I hope to have Burmese, Black Eyed Siamese and Russian Blue Dwarf rats. Eventually, I hope to be working exclusively with Dwarves.
This means that during the transition, I will be doing a few more breedings than normal to establish specific colors, coat types and markings in Dwarf carrier rats. I will also be doing a few more breedings of Standard females 4-5 months of age with Dwarf males. This is only done because the size difference is so great that most 6 month old females are too large for a breeding with a Dwarf male to be successful.
Once the traits I am looking for are established in the Dwarf lines, the number of available litters will dwindle. I plan to only have a litter available every 2-4 months, and since they would all be Dwarves, the litters would be much smaller and therefore there will be less rats available to be adopted.
I am updating the News with this information now because I want to let anyone who may only be interested in adopting Standard rats from me know that I will only be working with them for a limited time, though there will still be Standard rats available at least until the end of this year.